GRiP it!®

Most optimization systems use Nielsen people-meter data to optimize demographic targets based on reach/frequency goals. These systems, however, do not incorporate targeting information needed to insure that advertisers reach their prime prospects. GRiP it!® is a unique software tool for TV networks, Cable Networks, TV stations and broadcast services that maximizes the efficiency and effectiveness of on-air promotions by optimizing schedules based on pinpoint target information derived from raw Nielsen meter and diary studies.
GRiP it!®:
Captures all promotional inventory directly from station/network logsAllows promotion plans and priority levels to be set based on GRP and reach/frequency goalsAllocates promotional inventory automatically using target information derived from raw Nielsen meter and diary studies.Creates an entire spot schedule by selecting the most appropriate positions for each promotionCalculates market/network specific reach, frequency and effective frequency levels for each scheduleAllows completed schedule to be edited in any way necessaryAutomatically assigns proper house numbers and ISCI codes to each announcementUploads completed schedule to final operational logStewards the Campaign through use of both the as run data and overnight ratings, allowing constant tracking of campaign performanceGRiP it!® produces a number of useful Management Reports including:
Daily Promotional LogsExecutive Summaries of All Campaigns Planned Each WeekIndividual as run Promotion Schedules useful for co-op submissions to syndicators/networksEMS has a strong belief in not just dropping a system into your business. As part of our implementation services, we conduct a thorough review of your existing systems and practices, make recommendations for improvement, and can assist you in the business practice changes that will drive increased savings and ratings.
Join the many other Cable Networks and Television Stations who have finally managed to gain control of their own inventory, and manage it effectively. GRiP it!® manages more than $10 billion in station and network inventory annually, let us assist you in managing yours.