High-Rated TV Shows Still Deliver Top ROIs


Although TV marketers continue to look for return on their media investment with non-traditional TV data, a new study from Disney-ABC Television suggests that ROI still has a lot to do with highly rated TV shows.

The study revealed that programs with a 1.0 rating or greater deliver twice the ROI of programs that come in below a 0.4 rating. This means these media deals outweigh “the higher costs of premium programming.”

Disney-ABC says the study, which was commissioned from Accenture Strategy, is among the first to "quantify ROI."  

Research shows that higher-rated programs drive sales per impression, which are 92% higher than the cost per impression for advertising included in that content.

Social content related to highly viewed programs contributes to ROI results. Programs with “medium-to-high social commentary,” measured by Nielsen Social, drive 1.6 to 2.0 times the ROI of programs that have low to no social commentary.

The study also says that when a consumer gives a show a higher quality evaluation -- even without critical acclaim or genre -- it delivers 1.7 times the return of a less-favorable show.

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